Happy Holidays to everyone and it’s soon time to be off to Tucson ’24!

Hi and in about seven weeks the  Tucson ’24 Gem Shows will be well underway.  After missing  (thank you COVID) the past two years I will be traveling out west to once again see all the wonders one can “discover” in Tucson.  And yes “discover” is certainly an appropriate word.  Without doubt there is the must see AGTA and various forums/seminars to attend at the Tucson Convention Center.  But there are shows all over town to see with vendors from every corner of our wonderful planet.

And there are certainly many “hidden gems”-pun intended-to be found at the many shows and other venues sprinkled throughout the Tucson area.   While walking through these shows and small corner setups it’s coming across that unique rough or fossil or gem that I was not looking for that is so exciting to find.

As one who facets the primary reason I come to Tucson is to look for quality facet rough at reasonable prices.  With so many wonderful items outside of my focus of buying rough I need to keep reminding myself to stay on course which I will do for the first few days.  Also very rewarding and fun is getting back face to face with friends and vendors alike.  Can’t beat it!!

Upon my return from Tucson, I will send out another post letting you all know how my trip went and what I was able “to discover”.  Bye for now, Greg