
To provide our customers the very best pricing, we often buy our gem rough (uncut gem material) direct from sources worldwide. When we purchase  gem rough particular attention is given to it’s color.   Many in the industry believe 60% of a gems value is color! We all literally see color differently. Light pinkish/red to one may be red with pink undertones to another. We will always strive to be clear and concise in our cut gem descriptions.  Please remember that your computer or hand held device screen may affect the color you see.

All gemstones have a variation in color and intensity that will affect the price.  Please let us help guide you.


Contained within some gems are internal imperfections which are called inclusions. Some gems such as emerald often do contain inclusions and others such as aquamarine usually do not. We always do our best to select the finest rough to cut for our customers.

GIA uses a TYPE classification to help describe a gem’s clarity based upon the usual amount of inclusions found for a specific gem. There are three types:  I, II, III. Type I which are exceptionally clean and usually contain no eye visible inclusions on down to TYPE III whereby eye visible inclusions may be readily noticeable.  We follow the GIA system of clarity grading.


The degree of accuracy and precision to which a gem is cut will greatly influence the beauty and value of a cut gem. That is, the gem must be cut to specific angles and dimensions as dictated by the gems refractive index. If the angles are precise, along with good color and clarity, the result will be a magnificent and beautiful gem.

Additionally the proportion and outline as viewed from the top or side is referred to as symmetry. The gem should be pleasing from all views.

Summing up all these factors to have a truly beautiful gem the color, clarity, and cut must all be “right”.  At Gems by Gregory that is why we select only quality facet rough that we cut to both industry standards and our exacting standards.  We never send our rough to another country or company to be cut.