The 2012 Tucson Gem and Mineral shows saw a slight uptick in attendance over 2011.  There was certainly a great offering of colored stones at various price points.   Buyers were spending more this year but they “shopped” the shows and looked for and found good value.  This was true at the “downtown” shows along with the various venues further away from the City center.

There certainly was an excellent choice of either cut or rough material at varying price points.  An increase of  the amount of Ethiopian Welo opals either in the rough or cut was noted as word spread of the higher amount of stable material being offered with a good play of color.  With all material however one needs to be very careful in the material they choose.

Also a great amount of high quality fossils and minerals (collector items, rough pieces,  slabs, etc.) continued  to be offered at many of the shows with the vendors, as always, being very helpful.  I speak from experience as I wanted to bring my grandchildren a few slabs for cabbing and the time taken to help me me was–well, you would think I was buying a truck load!

I have always found going to Tucson to be, in addition to help fulfilling our cutting needs,  great fun with time well spent visiting with old friends and making new acquaintances. More on specific gems offered at Tucson in upcoming news/blog posts.  I would enjoy and I welcome hearing about input from anyone else who attended the show(s).  Thanks, Greg