Well I am finally sitting here writing about the Tucson 2020 Gem and Mineral shows.  Obviously with so many shows/individual forums going on-close to 45 at last count- I could not visit all of them.   Inasmuch that my interest was focused on gems, faceting rough, and keeping up with old friends, I visited the AGTA at the Convention Center, GJX, 22nd Street,  Kino Gems and Mineral Show, Pueblo Inn, and JOGS Gem and Mineral show.   Also I was fortunate to attend, as a guest, the ICA reception one evening and what a wonderful time it was.  Actually discussions about the show started as soon I was on the plane from Atlanta to Tucson.  A buyer seated next to me from South Carolina was upbeat and looking forward to finding everything on her color and finished jewelry buy list.  Listening to her and many others at the various shows confirmed some of what I thought about popular color and thus types of facet rough I might need for this year.  Buyer attendance was not up but attendees were overall positive and I believe ready to buy.  COVID-19 has now changed all this but more on that later.

As a general statement bright and colorful gems including of course blue, teal, pink/pink red,  purple, raspberry and standout orange seem to be pretty common point(s) I heard discussed by both buyers and sellers at the shows I attended.  Blue Sapphires and red good quality Rubies seem to be holding well, Garnets with purplish or raspberry color are in demand, teal Sapphires from Montana are doing very well and demand growing, and bright orange is popular.  Good color is of course always a plus but well cut and uniquely shaped gems with lots of facets with radiant brilliance but softer colors are being sought after.  Pastels are still in vogue with growth modest but steady, Peridot with good vibrant green is still quite popular and affordable, and Aquamarine with a deep blue color (when you can find it) is always in demand.  So YES I purchased rough accordingly.  Prices you ask?  Holding steady? Rising? or…?? Prices were basically steady with some slight increases for really clean goods of moderate to larger sizes.  Some sellers prices however were quite a bit higher and I can not fathom why.  This past Holiday season was good but not fabulous with numerous sellers concerned that the upcoming election might have a negative effect on demand.  Well, all that was in early February but this is now early April.

So here we are in the middle of a virus that has pretty much changed most all we do.  And it will and has already, I believe, had a  impact on the gem and jewelry market.  In time we will get thru this.  Americans have and will always get thru things.  I for one will continue to cut the rough I purchased in Tucson.  Actually with most all of my time now spent in my home/studio why not cut and update my web page?  It’s enjoyable to do, keeps my mind focused on the specifics of the gems design I am cutting (that’s exercising my mind I guess), and I have more time to communicate with family and friends.

Well to sum it all up, the shows were educational, had reasonably good attendance, offered a good selection of facet rough and allowed me to buy needed rough, and renew acquaintances.  Hopefully you have found this report to be of interest and I certainly welcome any further insight or your ideas of what you thought of the show.  Stay safe and healthy.  My regards to all, Greg